Contacts Information
Name: Michel Tritz
Address: Chauffailles, France
Date of Registration: 12/01/2013
Company: EclipsƎ
Member Portfolio
Video: 2102
Viewed: 696745
Downloads: 884


Michel Tritz, alias VJ Mich, is born in 1964 in Chagny, France, but lived for more than 24 years near Paris where he started in the “night world” as DJ and radio DJ.

Then he leaved to San Sebastian (Spanish Pais Basco) and started playing with images when in 1995, he discovered the power of computing 3D images, for creating his own vision of art.

At this time, he had a friend who was a DJ, who saw the creations and asked him to perform the visuals for him in the clubs of Spanish Pais Basco, near San Sebastian.

He started with only an HI8 Sony cam with night vision, a PC and a program called Oozik Reactor, using his own 3D models inside.

The performance was seen by a few discotheque directors that where passing here, and then, they started to call for having the same kind of show in their club (including the DJ of course !)

He started then a progression at the same time in the equipment and the quality of the shows.

A few names of clubs where he used to perform: La Pitxourri, Salla Jam, Zibbibo, Revolution, Bataplan, Itzela and much more...

In the same time, in 2003 he was called by the pop group of the year in Spain, La Oreja de Van Gogh to create the visuals they will use on their international tour.

Returning to France in 2005 for personal reasons, he started then to perform here and also started to produce professional videos for business or private clients.

Blocked more than 2 years because of health problems, he's returning back producing VJ art (first for him, because he always used 100% of his personal content in his performances ! And then for professional use in the web) preparing his return to VJ activity...

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