VJ Loop video for Hologram Fan. 3D Hologram. Flying in animated cubic 3D tunnel. Cubes move inside t

ID : 189434

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QuickTime Square Ratio 1080x108038.54 Mb.$7.00
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This clip is available in pack Pack 18 in 1. VJ Loop video for Hologram Fan. 3D Hologram. Flying in animated cubic 3D tunnel. starting at $12.00 for 18 clips in QuickTime Square Ratio 1080x1080. Buy in bulk and save!

VJ Loop video for Hologram Fan.

3D Hologram.

Flying in the animated cubic 3D tunnel.

Cubes move inside the tunnel.

Fantastic flight. Looped.

This is a digital product.

1080x1080 video file in .mp4 format in the downloadable file.

This video is suitable for all types of hologram fans that support mp4 files.

If your hologram fan needs a bin file format, write to me and I will create a bin file,

which is suitable for any type of hologram fan in the world.