8mm Inked Film Mirrored 2


abstract background fluid grunge patterns organic Psychedelic retro vjing trippy 8mm painted film indian ink scan hippy sixties red black colorful

File Details

Published: 01/20/2019 Category: Abstract Backgrounds & Textures Vintage (8mm,16mm,VHS..) Viewed: 474 Downloads: 0 Clip Format: Other

ID : 134555

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QuickTime HD 1920x1080p500.04 Mb.$10.00
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This is scanned Super 8 film that I have stripped and then painted with Indian ink. It would make a great grunge overlay or a background for projects and video jockeys. The mirrored version is in normal 1920 x 1080 resolution, the regular version has been stretched from 1440 x 1080 to 1920 x 1080 resolution. There is loads of potential for this footage in terms of mixing.